Monday, April 11, 2016

ILP "Design"- Prezi

For my second ILP project I created a Prezi. The Prezi was on a kindergarten standard, standard SS.K.E.1.1 which was about different jobs people do and the tools and equipment they need to do their job. I have never created a presentation using Prezi before, so this site was totally new to me! I did a very simple presentation because it is directed for the viewing by Kindergarteners. I really enjoyed using Prezi, it was quick, easy and it really made a nice presentation. I will definitely be using Prezi again in the future.

Monday, April 4, 2016


I will definitely use data collection tools such as Survey monkey and Edmodo. These were super useful websites that we used throughout the semester to get data collected easily and quickly. Survey Monkey was great, I used it in high school and it was always super successful in getting answers quickly. Edmodo is a great tool when you need students answers only because only your class with your group code can see the survey. Survey monkey is nice if you needed either student OR parent responses. A link can be sent out and easily emailed or posted through an online website; Edmodo, Blackboard, etc.

Topics I found most interesting revolved a lot around the creating a website project. First we all had to post a picture of another teachers website we found which was super cool to see all the different ways to create a website. Another topic I found super interesting is when we had to do a Web 2.0 tool and post the link on our blog. And lastly I thought the powerpoint interaction assignment was super awesome too. To be able to see all the different things my classmates created and then posted on their blog for us all to see. I thought all these 3 topics were super cool because it allowed me to see what kind of teacher everyone is going to be one day. It also allowed me to watch all my classmates grow; with technology, as people and also through our future professional career.

The next thing I would like to learn technology related is Blackboard. I'd like to learn Blackboard because being an FSU student I literally LIVE through Blackboard. I couldn't survive college without it, and it perfectly puts everything in one place. Organized by class and everything you will need for the semester is on this page. I think as a teacher I would LOVE to know how to make a Blackboard and make it useful for my class. I really enjoy having it as a student, so when I'm a teacher I want my students to see how important it was to me when I was a student and why it should be important to them in the long run.

I will achieve my future technology goals by always trying. I will learn to have patience when it comes to technology and just learn to accept that not everything will be easy and I will always have to try. To achieve it I will lookup Youtube videos when I need to know step-by-step how to do something technology wise. Or look it up and hopefully find it on teacher blogs, on possibly on Pinterest. I will also work to find stuff out through my colleagues and past classmates (all of you) and also through myself working hard to achieve my technology goals!

I really enjoyed having class with all of you, I hope you end up being a great teacher who uses technology perfectly in your classroom! :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blog post 9

The Flipped classroom refers to when students watch videos and video lectures at home before class and then during class time they work on assignments, projects and also have discussions. Chapter 10 discusses some ways to do this by discussion forums, chat programs, wikis, blogs, podcasts.These are some good resources to keep kids involved while at home so they can have the "Flipped classroom" while they're at home and also in school.I dont think it would be very effective though because odds are students are not going to actually watch the videos at home because when they go home that is supposed to be their time to relax and be home from school.
That is a website you can go to for teacher professional development. It helps teachers grow professionally through summer workshops, seminars, teaching teachers new projects and they also have full year professional development. I think this is a super awesome website with many different ways for teachers to grow professionally. It allows tons of opportunity for teachers!

I learned a lot of new skills through the Powerpoint interaction assignment. Such as how to make a jeopardy game which was very fun and also kind of tricky to learn. What I really enjoy about it is how fun is it for kids to learn from. I remember being a elementary student myself, I always enjoyed the jeopardy competition when you divide up the classroom. I would actually learn all while having a super fun time! I will definitely be using all the things I learned in this assignment in the future, such as how to make jeopardy games and I will be using those all the time when I am a future teacher.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Blog 8

Chapter 12 refers to open content is the biggest advancement and holds the biggest promise. I think this because it uses social media to help integrate things. This could be utilized by kids because now social media is very predominant in young people now a day and using technology and social media as a form of learning would really reach students and allow them to grow in ways familiar to them.

Digital divide is the gap between demographics and regions and have access to technology that do or don't have limited access. I am on the side of the divide that doesn't have limited access to technology. I think it will affect my classroom because my class will be split about what side of the divide they're on and it will be challenging to help students on both sides and split time evenly. 

I learned a lot of new skills by working on my Powerpoint presentation. Before this class I had only done the very basic powerpoint skills; adding slides and typing on them. What I liked was getting to learn totally new things that are so helpful to me and my future career. I will use it in my future career to teach my class certain lessons and also do powerpoints with substitutes so my class can hear my voice while listening to the presentation even though I am absent and the class is listening to a substitute.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Post 7

Bloom's taxonomy has 6 different levels; knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. If my class was reading a book about Goldie Locks and the Three Bears we could follow the order of Bloom's taxonomy. For knowledge I would ask them, "Who was the main character in the story?" and have them make a Powerpoint presentation all about the main character in the story. For comprehension, I would ask them "What was the main idea of the story? What was going on?" and I would probably have a presentation for them about main idea and then incorporating the main idea of our particular assignment was.  For application I would ask my class, "What would you ask the main characters in an interview?" and maybe have them conduct their own interview with the main character and make up what they would have them say. And possibly turn it into a powerpoint and record their voice over it such as it would be in an actual interview. For analysis I would ask them, "How does this story relate to you?" For synthesis I would ask, "What would you do to create a different story" And for evaluation I would ask my class, "What choices would you of made if you were in the story?" Hopefully by following the bloom's taxonomy way it would help my class understand the story Goldie Locks a lot better and hopefully all the other stories. It would give them something exact to follow and questions that would help them dig deeper into the book.

Adaptive technologies are very important in helping students with disabilities. I have never met anyone personally who had to use adaptive technology but by reading chapter 4 I got a way better understanding of how it can help students with disabilities. Low-Tech Adaptations are usually built into the operating system. Some examples are Sticky keys, MouseKeys, keyboard labels and a keyboard. Some Alternative Output Devices can be screen magnification software or screen readers. Students with disabilities need the same opportunities as students without disabilities they just have different needs and adaptations to get there!

The webpage design was my favorite assignment thus far. It was super fun and easy to do! I really think that I will use it in the future and this assignment allowed me to play around with weebly and get to know the website! I really enjoyed learning the ways to make a website. Next time I will work on it longer and have actual class pictures and pictures of my class' work (when I actually have a class) It will however be really helpful in my professional career.

Monday, March 14, 2016

ILP "Design" - Edmodo

I made an Edmodo page for a Kindergarten class. I included a quiz, one assignment, two notes and two polls for my class to take. It was really cool to see how Edmodo worked and how simple it really was. Making the quiz took me 5 minutes to generate and put the link up. Also having an assignment link to have my students submit to was really excellent. I could lock the assignment and it automatically viewable in gradebook. When I used edmodo as a student I always imagined how difficult it must of been, but now trying it myself made me really understand how much I will use Edmodo as a teacher.

Go check out my Edmodo and take the quiz or the poll!

Group code: ubm24w